The third conversation in CLIC’s 2020 Broadband Supersession series deals with “Broadband Partnerships and Federal and State Incentives: A Force Multiplier.” As COVID continues, we seek advice on how local communities have been working with private partners and maximizing sometimes scarce resources by combining funds at the federal, state and local levels to deploy critical broadband services. Join CLIC’s CEO and moderator of this session, Joanne Hovis, as she interviews representatives from these sectors about their creative approaches, lessons learned, and their predictions about the future. Speakers include Lisa Youngers, then Executive Director, Fiber Broadband Association, Kenrick Gordon, Director of the State of Maryland Governor’s Office of Rural Broadband, Charlotte Bewersdorff, Vice President for Community Engagement at the MERIT Network in Michigan, and Darrell Maynard, CEO of Eastern Telephone & Technologies from Kentucky.
Supersession #3 can be watched here, downloaded here, or just listened to here.