Our Way Forward

What Is Local Internet Choice? The traditional model of broadband deployment, where private-sector investment flows to the areas that produce the highest returns, has worked in some parts of the country, but it has also left many communities without competitive options for broadband services and in some cases without any option at all.  This “connectivity gap” is most acute in America’s …

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Amidst enormous applause and a final standing ovation, FCC Chairman Wheeler spoke to NATOA two weeks ago about the critical federal-local partnership that is essential for “all citizens” “to have access to robust broadband networks.” CLIC revisits this important speech and Chairman Wheeler’s focus on Lafayette’s local broadband victory to demonstrate the inherent value in local com…

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Letter to Chairman Wheeler from Mayor of Wilson, NC Re: Importance of Local Choice

Tom Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 June 20, 2014 Dear Chairman Wheeler, I am writing today to thank you for your support of broadband expansion throughout the U.S. and to encourage you to do whatever you must to remove state legislation that has restricted its growth. Let me share our experiences here in Wilson, N…

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