Come join CLIC on April 30 in Houston, Texas for our Super Session on Broadband Partnerships and Federal and State Incentives: A Force Multiplier which will be held on the last day of Broadband Communities’ 2020 Summit: Building a Gigabit World (April 27-30). CLIC Members qualify for a full BBC conference discount, which includes CLIC’s event, by registering here and using the code CLIC410. Or become a CLIC member. It’s free, here.
We will be devoting three hours to a focused discussion on actual partnership solutions between local communities and private partners to solve our local broadband needs. Session 1: Models for Successful Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships will feature CEOs, business development managers and innovation officers from Point Broadband, FACEBOOK, MetroNet and Lexington, Kentucky. Session 2: Identifying and Selecting your Partner, includes recognized private partners such as TING and Google Fiber. And Session 3: Broadband P3s and Federal and State Incentives: A Force Multiplier draws on federal broadband experts, and state grant experts from Maryland and Virginia.
Our full Super Session agenda can be found here.